Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Well, I had a relapse these past two weeks. I didn't attend meeting last week because I was sick. A touch of flu and my sinuses were acting up. Then my fibro kicked in. I wasn't tracking. I wasn't exercising. I wasn't really dieting at all. I'm sure I had a gain last week, but I definitely had one this week. I went to meeting yesterday, prepared to face the music after my two-week rebellion, and discovered I had regained 4.2 lbs. I knew it was going to be bad, and I was prepared to get it over with and wipe the slate clean. Still, I felt very ashamed seeing that number on the scale.

Last night I went to Wal-Mart and bought a recumbent bike. My husband put it together when we got home and I tried it out for a couple minutes. I couldn't believe how much easier it was to pedal than my old regular stationary bike (which bit the dust a couple years ago). This afternoon I got on it and pedaled for 31 minutes, 7 miles, and burned 135 calories. I'm so surprised I was able to pedal that long. On my regular stationary bike I could only manage 10 minutes at a time at the most (my hips are bad with arthritis), but my first 20 minutes on the recumbent bike went really easy. The last 11 minutes were tougher and I was sweating pretty good. I was going to stop at 30 minutes, but I was so close to 7 miles I went another minute to reach it. I'm only on resistance level 1, but plan to increase the level as I go along.

My new bike also has 8 programs on it that I plan to play with this weekend. I accidentally hit one of those program buttons last night and it switched resistance levels as I pedaled, slowly increasing as I went along. I don't know how long these programs are; I'll have to read the manual more carefully. ;)

Well DH is nagging me about supper, and I need to go to work in a couple hours. I'll write more tomorrow. One thing I want to mention though, I'm actually feeling more limber after my bike ride this afternoon. My hips actually seemed to like it. And my blood sugar has come down too. I'm really happy I finally decided to get that bike. I've been talking about it for the last year.

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