Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Achieved 5% Goal!!!

That bike was the best investment I ever made! Weigh-in this morning was awesome! I lost 8.4 pounds this week!! WOO HOO!!!


To date, I've lost 16.2 pounds. Today I got another 5-lb star and my 5% goal star. I'm 8.8 pounds away from my 10% goal. 5% goal = 12.5 pounds and 10% goal = 25 pounds. Yesterday I decided to see if I could fit in my jeans again, and I could! I can't wait to buy a smaller size. ;)

On Saturday I started preset program 1 on my recumbent bike, which is a 20-minute program that takes me from resistance level 1 through 5 and back down again. I did one 20-minute segment in the morning, and a second 20-minute segment in the afternoon. Sunday I was feeling a bit "off", so I only did one 20-minute segment. On Monday (yesterday) I did two 20-minute segments in a row. Today I'm going to start preset program 2, which is also a 20-minute program, but will take me through resistance level 6. It's my plan to do 40 minutes each day this week.

Here's a pic of my bike:


I have my freezer filled with Weight Watcher treats (points are listed on the box, which is helpful), such as ice cream cups (which help with portion control) and ice cream bars. I've tried the toffee ice cream bars, chocolate mousse ice cream bars, sherbet ice cream bars, and now I'm trying the new Latte ice cream bars. The Latte is the best, hands down (if you're a coffee-lover like me)! At meeting today I picked up a box of Mint Cookie Crisp bars. We got a freebie at last week's meeting and they were really good. I'm going to take them to work with me to help keep me out of the vending machines. ;)

Well that's my news today ... catch ya later!