Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday Thrills

I wasn't feeling up to a workout today, but I got on the bike and talked myself into doing at least one 20-minute program, when I finished I was doing good so I pushed on to program 2. I finished 2 without a problem and was feeling so stoked I went back to program 1 and did an additional 10 minutes. So I started out not wanting to do anything and ended up doing 50 minutes! LOL ... not shabby. ;)

Now I'm all sweaty and need to hit the shower. 

Btw ... is there anyone else who has a blog with blogger and uses firefox as their browser having problems editing their blog? I encountered a problem for the first time yesterday. I tried for 10 minutes or so to edit my blog, then tried searching blogger for any current problems with firefox and found at least one other person having similar problems, so I tried using google's chrome browser and was able to edit without a problem. Now I'm wondering if the problem is with blogger or firefox. It's possible a new update of firefox is causing issues with blogger, but I'm also suspicious that Google/Blogger aren't supporting firefox like they used to ... I'll have to keep trying to find the answer. Firefox is my primary browser and I really don't like using another browser because I have to; I keep other browsers because occasionally I like to check them out, but so far none of the others feel as comfortable or are as useful to me as firefox. 

1 comment:

  1. I use google chrome almost exclusively now, but I remember I used to have trouble with Firefox - especially loading pictures. I don't think it's completely compatible with blogger.
